Nicole Smith

Giving Tuesday Hay Drive By definition #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. This year, we are kicking off a winter hay drive on this day of giving and we hope you will join us by donating via the link above. For as little as $5, you can purchase […]

Special Horses’ Secret Santa

Be a secret Santa and make a horse’s holiday wish come true!

14th Annual Holiday Party

Who is ready to stay home and get cozy?

TCA Grants TEF funds to assist with retired racers.

Sometimes, Thoroughbreds that have left the track behind, get left behind themselves.  We are proud to have TCA recognize that these horses are still here and still deserving of care despite their current physical ability.

TEF granted funding from Brennan Equine Welfare Fund (BEWF)

TEF’s Golden Years Program for mares 20+ continues to receive funding from BEWF.  Our “Golden Girls” spent several years of their lives dedicated to the Thoroughbred racing industry as broodmares before finding their soft landing in permanent sanctuary.

13th Annual Holiday Party Invite!

Are you ready to party?  Don’t worry… neither are we!

Giving Tuesday – Hay Drive By definition #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. This year, we are kicking off a winter hay drive on this day of giving and we hope you will join us by donating via the link above. For as little as $5, you can purchase […]

TEF is proud to continue accreditation with the TAA!

The Exceller Fund takes great prides in providing quality care to the horses in the program and is extremely proud to be among the elite in Thoroughbred aftercare. Photo featuring TEF’s Spectacular Won and a very special TEF assistant!

TCA Grants TEF funds to assist with retired racers.

Sometimes, Thoroughbreds that have left the track behind, get left behind themselves.  We are proud to have TCA recognize that these horses are still here and still deserving of care despite their current physical ability.

TEF granted funding from Brennan Equine Welfare Fund (BEWF)

TEF’s Golden Years Program for mares 20+ continues to receive funding from BEWF, along with several other equine charities.