Our Mission...
The Exceller Fund acquires Thoroughbred horses that might otherwise be at risk for neglect or slaughter and works to provide a future beyond the finish line once they have completed their racing careers. In addition to transitioning potential adoptable horses into second careers, sanctuary is provided for those horses in need of retirement. The Exceller Fund also works to facilitate the placement of Thoroughbreds with other equine organizations nationwide in order to save as many Thoroughbreds as possible.
Thoroughbreds are welcomed into the program regardless of their adoption potential, which may take several months to determine as the horses go through the “let down”/evaluation process. Many of these horses remain with The Exceller Fund for their lifetime. Racing Warriors, horses that have spent years on the track, have become a major focus for The Exceller Fund because they often have limited adoption opportunities due to age and athletic “wear and tear”.
Why We Do It
Without the combined efforts of The Exceller Fund, other equine organizations, and donors, many more Thoroughbreds would meet the same fate as Exceller and be sent to slaughter. Thoroughbreds are wonderful and amazing horses. Bred over the centuries for speed and endurance, they are highly intelligent and sensitive horses who bond quickly to humans. These characteristics are what make them great racehorses, but this bond is betrayed on the slaughterhouse floor.
The Exceller Fund’s mission of “Providing a Future Beyond the Finish Line” goes well beyond the immediate rescue of a horse. For us, saving a life is a LIFETIME commitment. With good care, horses can live into their late twenties, or longer. The Exceller Fund continues to care for these extraordinary horses long after the initial emotional response has diminished.
How We Do It
The Exceller Fund is a charity, dependent upon donations from racing fans, people from the racing industry, and people who just love horses. Donors located all over the country contribute on a sustaining monthly gift with a commitment to the care of these amazing retired equine athletes.
The Exceller Fund also applies for grants and participates in fundraising activities. Horses in the program are located at privately owned farms and The Exceller Fund pays for their care. These farms are selected based on the expertise they provide, whether it is caring for an injured horse in need of rehabilitation, a horse ready for retraining, or a geriatric horse requiring special care.

May 12, 1973 - April 7, 1997

Exceller Fund News
“Providing a Future Beyond the Finish Line”
Brennan Equine Welfare Fund Of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
TEF has been generously awarded a grant to assist with the care of geriatric mares.
New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association
TEF is extremely grateful and proud to have the support of NYTHA in order to continue providing a future beyond the finish line for these amazing equine athletes.
TCA has selected TEF as a recipient of a grant to continue providing care to geriatric Thoroughbreds for the duration of their retirement.